La princesa Cheyenne está aburrida por los intentos del caballero, que trata de robarle el corazón. Cuando un indio entra a su castillo, la princesa resulta ser más que una bella dama.
País: Bélgica, 2017
Título original: Princess Cheyenne
Dirección: KIDSCAM ANIMATION STUDIO, KIDSCAM is an organization of professional artists, developing skills of , children and young people in storytelling through the creation of , stopmotion movies. , KIDSCAM realizes its animation projects in schools, arts-centres and , during film festivals. , In each workshop the participants go through the entire process of film , making: writing the scenario, making a storyboard, the graphic design of y characters and scenery, screening and sound creation.
Productor: KIDSCAM
Formato: HD / Animación
Duración: 3 min. 34 seg.
Para niñas y niños de 4 años en adelante